Unrequited love

Unrequited love
Oh my unrequited love
Despite all the caring and love
That I show to U all day
But U just keep ignoring me an lookaway
I always call U allday
But U ignore it and look away
I ran to U miles away
But U ignore me and look away
I told U how hard i love U
I tell u allday how i feel about u
But u ignore me and look away
I go through alot of humiliation and disgrace
But u ignore it and look away
I seek for ur attention all day
But u ignore me and look away

Those days i wept sadly
Those tears i shed sadly
Ain't because am a fool
But because i really love you
Those days i tried hard to smiles
Those moment ur eyes meet with mines
My heartbeat race with no stop
Those days u disgrace me at bustop
I still smiles cause u still talk to me
cuz ur attention still drew to me
Yeah u had ur boyfriend i know
I try so hard letting you go
But the love i had for u is rear
All day on i want u to be here
But u live ur happy life outhere
U never realize someone is down here
Down here because of ur love
My heart burst with fear whenever U show up
I sometimes wish to hold U only
To touch just ur hand only
But U never want me near
But am still longing for U
Am still waiting for U
I'll always be there for U
Although U ignore me all day

But I always believe oneday is coming
When you gonna call on me
Call me to hear from me
Tell me stylishly U miss me
U LL tell me U need me
Then U gonna apologize for treating me bad
For humiliating me infront of the crowds
Telling me all those words that ain't right
One day I going to come
Which U LL said U've fond of me
U will tell me u love me...
But that just my imagination
Which I always wish it comes to realization
I always wish all this dreams
One day become real...
My unrequited love
No matter how bad u treat me
As long as u keep my heart beating
I won't give up easily
I'll always keep on approaching
Till u consider me..


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